how about some basic information?

I feel like a dolt, but is there just a general tutorial on how to use QT anywhere? I can't figure out how to change my "share " settings so that people can access my files. It seems to be pre- set to an empty folder and I can't change it. And when I click "browse files" on a user, where do they show up? I can't find them. I've been able to navigate regular SLSK pretty easily, but I'm having a really hard time doing the most basic things with QT.

I agree there's some confusion in the area of how to configure one's SoulseekQt client for file sharing (Options->File Sharing as opposed the Shares tab which displays shares of users you browse) as well as what happens when a user can't be browsed, which is common if your listening port is not exposed. I'll either provide a 'set up your shares' type prompt when the client is run for the first time, and/or rename the Shares tab to something less confusing in the future. As for share browses failing, the client definitely needs to indicate in some way that that's happened, which I haven't gotten around to yet. The specifics of determining when exactly a connection attempt to a user has failed are somewhat trickier than one might imagine at first, but I intend to do something about it soon.

Thanks, Nir

Am totally new to SoulSeek. Where do I find Options? Is this how I begin the process of downloading music?

Yes i am also struggling to discover where the music files are to browse.. i am on an iMac and cannot find anything so far.. if anyone can help me get started would be deeply grateful!