User list and random people being automatically added to the unshared list

I'm not sure exactly how the automatic unsharing system is designed to work. I think if you add somebody to the unshared list and they try to re-browse and download from you on another unsername they are automatically unshared. I think that's a good system, but I've noticed that people on my user list and random people who have never downloaded from me are being automatically placed on the unshared list. Does it work by IP address? What's the window of time for it keeping the unshared IP addresses? I think the system is being a bit overzealous in placing people on the list. Every day I see more and more people being added to the unshared list who I didn't unshare myself. I get messages from people asking me why they were unshared when I have no memory of unsharing them.

Since when does SoulseekQt have automatic unsharing? Are you talking about some other client?

This has been a long time feature in Qt, but there's not much discussion about it. Nir describes the process here:

The issue is that it's unsharing good people who are actually sharing - users who haven't even downloaded from me or who are on my user list. It's like a spam filter that blocks good incoming e-mail. I think the system needs to be tweaked or eliminated.