SlskNS on Win 7 is invisible

Hi, maybe someone can help me with this? I run Soulseek NS on a Windows 7 PC. After my last PC restart I started Soulseek, but it never showed up.

The logo is visible in the task bar in my hidden icons, and when I use a right click on it (Open Soulseek), nothing happens. I can connect and disconnect the same way, but I never get to see the screen. Also, when "active", Soulseek shows up in the taskbar a s an active program, but when I click on it, the logo just disappears.

The Windows Task Manager show slsk.exe as running, using about 18,000k of memory, alas I can't get it on my screen at all. An earlier entry here on the forum recommended (for Slsk QT though)to look for a soulseek-client.dat - and I can't locate one at all, neither in c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local nor in c:\ProgramData (where my Slsk config folder is). BUT, that was for Slsk QT though...:

What can I do? Any help is appreciated! Thanks!


try this if you already haven't tried:

1) Run 'slsk.exe' in 'Windows XP SP3' mode + run it as administrator
2) Don't let 'slsk.exe' get minimized in hidden icon task bar

When you minimize your soulseek, it should look like this:

It should not look like this:

Hope it works for you ...

Hi, thanks for your answer! I tried this, but it didn't help. I still have the same effect. When the program is active, it shows in the left part of my task bar. When I click on it, it just disappears (and it gets obviously set into "away mode"). I can "retrieve it again from the right part of the task bar. Also, when I toggle between program windows with [ALT]+[TAB] between windows (holding the keys for a second or two), the Soulseek logo shows up without the frame any other program has behind.
Since I am afraid I tasered one of the config files for good, I made a move to SoulseekQT. I pulled my old user list over without problems. Funnily enough, I then ran into a program with my stone-old Netgear network adapter, causing multiple BSODs. After disabling that old workhorse and using the ethernet cable straight to the router, everything runs smoothly now.
So I guess we can consider this case "not solved but irrelevant now". Again, thanks for your answer!


you experienced interesting situation and I am glad you had been able to solve it out. Well done. Happy downloading, hahaha.:-)