My SLSK Data Gets Lost Every Time I Restart SLSK

GOA TRANCE's picture

Hi everyone. I moved from slsk ns to qt today. I installed it and ran it with no problems but after I restarted the program , everything I've done gets reset. so no more user-account-info, share folders, userlist, queued files , etc.

I'm running Windows 7 (32 Bit) and the SlskQT (2013-7-1).

Can you see if this is happening with build 2013.5.18?

Thanks, Nir

GOA TRANCE's picture

Yes, it works with build 2013.5.18
there is no reset problem in it.

I'm now working with this build you asked me for some hours and couple of soulseek restarts and I dont have any problems.

Do you think the new build has a problem?

Yeah... application data locations have changed between Qt4 and Qt5, and it's looking like the client is unable to write or read the configuration to/from the new location. Maybe this problem can be solved by using the documents path instead of the application data path. I'll post a test version here later today.

Thanks, Nir

I managed to reproduce the problem in a Win7 32-bit virtual machine, I think I have it fixed:

Thanks, Nir

GOA TRANCE's picture

It works :D
thx Nir

Glad to hear!

Cheers, Nir