Soulseek paypal

I did pay $ 5 in paypal as a test to see how it works. My question is: improve my search results? I have privileges in massive queues or do I need to receive privileges of another user?

thescarletfire's picture

You don't need to rely on other people's donations in order to gain privileges, no.

if it depends on foreign users you do not download anything, most leaves your folders invisible to any select group. The soulseek should have some tool to boycott this type of user who does not share what they have with everyone, which would initially be the true essence of p2p.

thescarletfire's picture

I don't quite follow everything you're saying but, if you're talking about people who share "list-only", many people do that for various reasons: protection/security/trust issues, too many people queue and flood their bandwidth without sharing back, etc.

I don't think Soulseek should outright ban that option, personally.

In my opinion, it would be awesome if there was an option in Soulseek for users to continue to still be "list-only" sharing [as far as what files are able-to-be-queued] but at the same time, still have their files "viewable" when returned in a search; this will facilitate a great community-outreach opportunity for people to interact with each other. Consider this: The "list-only" people can still protect themselves and be cautious about who they add and who can download, but their list can grow now with the fact that more people will be reaching out to them in an attempt to share with each other (since list-only sharers' files would then be "searchable").

So, I think I know what you mean. Perhaps there is a way in the future that Soulseek could have a setting to allow list-only sharers selecting which/all folder/shares to be "searchable", on a per-folder level.

That to me, is the true essence of a sharing community.

All good things in all good time.