Strange - downloading but not saving...?

Hi All,

Until recently I had no issues with SQT, but today I'm finding that I'm downloading OK - the files are reaching 100% and complete - but there is no file in the download folder! I've tried uninstalling, deleting folder and reg entries, then reinstalling. No luck!

Any ideas on how to fix this?

(Separate question: Soulseek somehow manages to retain all preferences even with a thorough clean off the do I do a thorough wipe of the program from the system!)

I'm having the exact same issue. Someone please help out!

This somehow sounds familiar...
Does it work if you create a download folder manually and assign this one in Options->File Sharing?

I DO have a custom folder, and if I use SoulseekQt (Linux here) in a vanilla environment, the custom folder is NOT created until you download something.
However, in my book, when it doesn't exist yet, it should always be created when SoulseekQt is started up regardless of downloads, instead of in this "just in time" fashion.