Drunken action caused chaos!

Apologies for the title, but i was drunk the other night using soulseek... not the best idea i know... but bear with me. I inadvertently went to browse a long-time friend's files and (unknown to me at the time) selected "remove user from list". It took a couple of days for me to realise what had happened and why i could not upload files or receive files from this user (ended up checking the diagnostics and noticed the "denied" message), but after quite a lot of technical faffing.

There are two requests...

1) Can the use admin functions be moved to their own section of the context menu.
2) Can some message be given when you try to upload but can't because of permissions?

It seems a bit odd to me that you can't upload to someone if they aren't on your user list for one thing, but there's no message my side just a failure to upload.

Thanks for helping a drunken eejit.

Hi squizza, removing someone from your list shouldn't prevent you from downloading from them. It's them removing you from their list that might. And putting someone back on your list is very easy. As to giving a user a different transfer status message when they can't download from you, that's an intentional design decision in SoulseekQt. SoulseekQt tries to substitute the concept of banning with that of unsharing. And so when a file is unavailable to you, it is simply not shared to you. It's a pure semantic distinction, but I'd like to stick to it.


Hi Nir,

I could download from the user... but i couldn't upload to the user. I think because the files were only shared to userlist. It was the lack of message to me when I tried to upload that made it extremely hard to debug the issue. I don't want to change what's there or what's displayed regarding sharing/ unsharing, The requests I had (and perhaps this should be in the feature request section) is that the "remove user from list" be moved down to the section with "unshare files from user" and "ignore user" so that these are logically grouped together in the right-click context menu as its current location is right next to "browse users files" so a slight slip (or drunken wobble in my case) can remove the user. Secondly I was requesting that, if i attempt to upload to a user who is not on my list and the restrictions I have put around the sharing of my files limit them to userlist only, can I a message that says that "you can't do this unless you share these files with the user" as there was no way of knowing the files just simply never appeared in my upload dialog. Better still for the single initiated upload to override the rules against that folder?

Putting the user back on the list is not the issue. As you rightly point out - it's easy. It was identifying that I'd removed them from my list that was the issue as the only way i figured it is by either looking in the diagnostic log or noticing that the "unshare files from user" message changed "add user to list".

