Shared Folder Issue - Files Not Visible in Mac

Hello, fellow slskrs.

Got an issue with the folder that I'd shared on SlskQT.

System - Mac 10.6.8

After installation I'd shared my music folder with the others(it's on external ntfs drive).

And Now I've an unpleasant surprise.

In Mac it shows that this folder has no items and have 0 kb size.
While all the music is playable in Itunes I simply couldn't reach my entire music collection - couldn't see anything in music folder at all.
And i couldn't transfer anything to this folder also.

This is very annoying.

Please help to solve this issue - I frequently transfer files to portable drives and players. And nothing there is visible or "present" to my Mac.

Help is strongly appreciated here.

the key was to scan the ntfs drive under windows - after the day of scanning the drive was recovered. but when I'd connected to slskqt - the damn thing had happened again - I guess - slskqt is locking the directory for mac when it shares it - please solve this issue, the developers. because it's very inconvenient to share the ntfs directory and loose it then to my mac system. i want to share but if it'll be like this - I'll simply quit because I don't like to oose the whole day for recovery.