rooms dissapapears

roomx's picture

I have a strange problem here. Entering the "Rooms"-tabs, I can only see the rooms-list, not the actual rooms. Where did they go?
Slskqt for Mac

Try dragging that splitter on the left to the right :)

roomx's picture

Tried that as well. All of them, 320432 times in all directions, up down, sideways, minimizing the window and trying..
QT for Mac also looks very strange in minimized state, the tabs gets like 30 cm wide and almost seems to go on forever. An it gets very hard to move stuff around. The irritating bit, is that this is on the Mac /MacBook Air), and that I cant figure out to ditch the settings completely....

That's a very good point. I should add a reset UI settings option.

roomx's picture

Thanks for the fix :) (Resize Window and Column settings) You rock...