I'm sorry that I have to ask you this

So, I got a new wifi internet service, and now I can't connect. I'm not very computer savvy, but I'm going crazy without slsk so I'm breaking down to ask for help.

It says the reason is that my ip port is closed and that I need to configure it. It gives a link, but the modem I'm using isn't listed, so I don't have any exact instructions to follow. I tried following instructions for a different modem, but they didn't end up helping.

Any advice? I have a huawei ce0683 pocket wifi modem.

Some Googling reveals (click) that people with these modems are mainly Vodafone prepaid users, and Vodafone is firewalling certain types of traffic on this network, so port forwarding won't work.

Good catch!

I'm not a vodafone prepaid user. I'm not using a prepaid service, and it isn't vodafone... hm... but maybe emobile is blocking me then...