Open Folder context menu option in Downloads often does nothing

Minor usability nit:

In the Downloads list, when I right-click on a file or folder and choose "Open Folder", it only attempts to open a folder of completed downloads, even if I clicked on a file that is incomplete or hasn't started downloading yet. And if there's no completed downloads folder, nothing happens.

What I would rather happen is this: When I "Open Folder" on an incomplete file (queued, downloading, aborted, etc.), open the corresponding incomplete downloads folder, if one has been created. Same goes for when I "Open Folder" on a folder that has no completed downloads.

And if no incomplete downloads folder has yet been created, or if for any other reason nothing would happen, I expect the "Open Folder" option to be unavailable.

Thanks for considering this request.

Hmm, it's sensible enough, but I don't think I want to send the user to a folder where the file will disappear from, possibly very soon after... one thing I would consider is to open the complete folder as long as it exists, even if that specific file is not there yet.

That's what currently happens, as long as there's at least one completed file. Although I want to be able to easily go to the incoming folder sometimes, if your intent is to only go to the completed folder, then I would rather only be able to go there when selecting a file that has actually completed. As it stands, it's kind of weird to have the option to "Open Folder" on a file that hasn't downloaded, and end up in its future home.

I definitely agree that the option shouldn't appear if it isn't going to do anything.