Crash when selecting characters in the search field with the mouse.

I use Windows 7 of 32 bits.

This is what happens:
It happens very often to me to the point that is an annoying bug.


I'm unable to reproduce this bug, can anyone else weigh in on this?

It crashes when you select a string with the right-to-left or the left-to-right mark characters followed by more characters.
I managed to put the invisible characters in the search field of Soulseekqt by copying them from titles of albums on Discogs. For example: "Aphex Twin ‎– Drukqs" in:
They use the invisible characters right before the ‎– one. I dont know why they do that.

Yeah, I can reproduce that. I'll look into it.

Thanks, Nir

Seems to be same as this one:

Yeah :) I left the other one open so that people can discuss it on the forum if they need to. This will be fixed in the next build.

Great! Thanks Nir.