Users "good manners' list" anywhere..?

Hello everyone;

I'm brand new to this forum, although i've been using Soulseek for a few years already. Tonight i went through an unpleasant and unprecedented situation i'd like to share with you and also request your opinion about. Here it goes..:

I was looking for some tracks from a famous 80's tv series and, by checking the files of a given user, i verified he/she had about 5 or 6 folders that interested me. My internet connection is slow, so i always configure my client to not take more than 3 files at a time. So, to my knowledge, it wouldn't be a problem to select all the files/folders i was interested at once - i knew that all i was doing was putting files on a queue that would run 3 at a time...

Did that and got away from the computer to do some other stuff; When i got back i noticed that i got banned and had downloaded just one of the requested files. Chatting with the user (BTW i have the log if necessary) i tried to explain myself, but all i saw were expressions regarding me as "reckless", "rude" and some other conclusions that you usually don't apply to someone you've never saw in your life...

I told the user it wasn't my intention to be all that bad; That i was sorry; And asked if i could have a second chance. I also asked if there was some sort of "Soulseek user's good manners list" that i could take a look on to. The user replied as it being "just a matter of common sense", then tried to explain his/her reasons getting into some technical stuff i never got aware of. He lifted the download ban but kept his early position, telling i was just excusing myself for mistakes i could have avoided... I couldn't withstand such stupidity anymore, so i cancelled all the downloads and told i didn't care anymore about the ban and i was going to download the files from someone nicer.

That's it - what you think? Is there a "good behaviour chart" after all?

Thanks in advance.

I doubt you did anything wrong. It's a free-for-all. People make up their own rules. We all have stories of the jerks we've encountered. Sometimes people are sensible and sometimes they aren't. Some people are just easily annoyed, some don't understand how queues work, some think you owe them something, some just like having the power to control what other people do. Some people are good at managing their queues, adjusting the number of upload slots to minimize the number of people waiting; others, not so much. You seem to have the right attitude...don't worry about it. If someone only wants to share with whoever meets their high standards, that's their prerogative. I think there might be some suggestions for etiquette in the old forum, but if I were you, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just be polite, and move along if you run into a grouch.

thescarletfire's picture

Soulseek is an awesome community. But, like anywhere, there are a few rotten eggs. Don't let it get to you :) Don't let that bring down the rest of the good people.

Amen to that. The problem with freedom is that everyone gets to do what they want ;)

true but sometimes you do have to deal with these rotten eggs if you want some rare stuff :P
since most (including me) would not have the patience to hope for someone else logging in once a blue moon and having the same stuff 2 months later...