New user - questions

I'm new, I'm sorry if these are really obvious answers.

On the Mac version, if I'm looking at the button in the upper-left and it says "Available", does that mean that my status IS available, or that I can click it to change it to available, and I'm currently Away. It's confusing to me. How do I tell what my status is?

What is the etiquette on queueing several downloads from one user? If I see that a user has a few albums that I want, is it rude to queue up more than say, 10 to 15 files from them?

Can I only have 99 uploads going at any time? Does this restriction apply for all users?

Is it okay to message other users and say "Hey, thanks for _____" if they had something I was really looking for? Is this rude?

Again, sorry. I'm a noob. For what it's worth, I am sharing my library so I'm not freeloading or anything.


Allow me:

Available=Available / Away=Away :)

I would say the etiquette is to be modest. I don't speak for everyone but most would appreciate queuing no more than 1 or max 2 albums in one go. When I see several interesting albums with one user I will try as much as possible to find some of those albums with other users. Just to distribute the load.

Quite sure 99 uploads is per user. It kind of controls the above. AFAIK that's for all users.

Is it ok to say something? Ofcourse. I really can't see a thing wrong with it. I know a guy though who writes in his userinfo to specifically NOT thank him so there's exceptions :))

If there's anything else, shoot.