Maximum number of queued uploads per user

The maximun number of queued uploads per user can be set. However it's a number for everyone. Is it possible to move this option to 'Configure user groups', so you can change this number for special usergroups ?

There's a feature request for just that which I haven't gotten around to seriously evaluating there. You can set the download priority for a particular user group, which arguably addresses the issue almost as effectively.

thescarletfire's picture

I love the priority feature, it's so damn powerful :) Though one question, is a priority of 0 (default) any different than the highest number you have depending on your groups? For example, I have 3 user groups, and so priorities 1-3, respectively.

Does a 0 priority hold the same priority as 3? or is 3 still "ahead" of 0?

Hope that makes sense. Thanks!

I'm not sure I understand the question. 0 is the lowest priority, and automatically applies to any user who doesn't belong to a group with a higher download priority. Any priority higher than 0 will take precedence.

thescarletfire's picture

That answers my question perfectly. So zero is the absolute lowest priority and any number above zero is "higher" - gotcha, thanks! I thought the lowest manually-chosen number would somehow "override" 0 default - but now I know.