Some Peers appear in light blue, what does this mean

When I highlight a .torrent file that is downloading and click on the peers tab some of the peers appear in light blue, some of these peers are downloading and uploading just fine or some are stalled for whatever reason. I am just trying to find out what it means when a peer is showing in light blue. Isn't effecting anything as far as I can tell just weird.

BTW I also solved the crashing problem and losing files. I was using external Hard drives from Seagate and was using these to have my shared file on. And believe it or not there was nothing in the manuals or instructions from Seagate that you could not use their external drive this way except as a network drive and then everyone that was going to access has to connect to Seagate first and then can connect to the drive, but only one user can be accessing at one time. Would have been nice if Seagate would have said something. Funny thing is on the Seagate user forums there were many comments in the ne3gative about the external Hard Drives, and low and behold a couple of weeks ago I receive an email from Seagate support offering data recovery on one version of their external drives, but of course at the end of the message you were told you had to pay $40.00, return the drive in its original packaging and there was no guarantee that the data would be recovered and the drive would be basically destroyed in the process and you had to provide a drive for the recovered data to be loaded onto or have Seagate provide one at the new drives retail cost.

Oh well live and learn, would appreciate hearing on the color issue with the peers. QT is working great just have to rebuild my database now.


Are you sure you're in the right forum? There are no torrent files or a peers tab in SoulseekQt.