No Search Results

My issue: I downloaded QT last week, and everything was working perfect right off the hop (very happy with this new client by the way). However a few days later, I moved my internet service to a new residence, and now I cannot connect properly.

Port forwarding seems to be done correctly, the port test came back positive for ports 2235/2236. I seem to be connected to the client server, as I can see the rooms and so forth, and also previously queued downloads are resuming. However, I now cannot receive results on new searches for some reason. What col be causing this?

Let me know if I need to give more information to help resolve this issue.

It sounds like your ISP is either blocking Soulseek or just making it difficult to use P2P applications. The only thing I can think to suggest is changing the listening port under Options->Login. I'd start with something like 82 that's closer to standard port numbers.