Port Forwarding in Ubuntu 12.04


I've been trying to configure my router correctly but soulseek still says that the ports are closed. I followed the port forwarding instructions but the problem wasn't fixed.
Although, when I check the open ports through the linux terminal, it says that they're open (OUÇA means LISTEN):

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Endereço Local Endereço Remoto Estado PID/Program name
tcp 0 0 localhost:23116 *:* OUÇA 2264/firefox
tcp 0 0 localhost:domain *:* OUÇA -
tcp 0 0 localhost:ipp *:* OUÇA -
tcp 0 0 *:2235 *:* OUÇA 6068/ SoulseekQt-10
tcp 0 0 *:2236 *:* OUÇA 6068/ SoulseekQt-10
tcp 0 0 *:17500 *:* OUÇA 1834/dropbox
tcp 0 0 localhost:19876 *:* OUÇA 2264/firefox
tcp 0 0 localhost:58597 *:* OUÇA 6043/GoogleTalkPlug
tcp 0 0 localhost:51974 *:* OUÇA 6043/GoogleTalkPlug

When I look in the "Diagnosis" tab in soulseek, that's what appears:

[qua nov 14 00:51:04 2012] Initializing UPnP
[qua nov 14 00:51:04 2012] Device list found
[qua nov 14 00:51:04 2012], InternetGatewayDevice, found
[qua nov 14 00:51:04 2012] Device XML found.
[qua nov 14 00:51:04 2012] Found own address to be
[qua nov 14 00:51:04 2012] Port 2235 successfully mapped.
[qua nov 14 00:51:04 2012] Found own address to be
[qua nov 14 00:51:04 2012] Port 2236 successfully mapped.

Could somebody help me? (Sorry for the bad english)

Thank you!


Even if those ports are opened at your router, they might still be closed further down the line. For example if your ISP doesn't allow you to accept connections on any or a particular port range.

Thank you for your answer, Nir.
Is there a way to fix it if my ISP doesn't allow me to accept connections in any port range?

It's very unlikely. You can try calling them up and asking about accepting connections on given ports, but I doubt they'll do anything about it.